
The Social Marketing and its Role in customer Retention



The current research aims to diagnose the nature of the impact between the research variables represented by the strategy of social marketing and customer retention, as well as indicating the level of awareness of these variables and their subdimensions at the headquarters of the Earthlink Communications Company as the field of the current research, by working on describing, diagnosing and measuring the research variables, leading to presenting a number Among the conclusions and recommendations that contribute to strengthening these variables in the researched company, and based on the importance of variables in various organizations in general and their importance in the researched organization in particular . The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in order to achieve the objectives of the research, and the research community was represented by the managers of the headquarters of the Earthlink Communications Company, who numbered (98) individuals, and the data was collected in a comprehensive inventory method from (96) managers, who constitute the research sample holding a bachelor's degree or above exclusively, and thus are The research sample is an intentional, intentional sample equal to the research community. The researcher adopted the questionnaire as a main tool in collecting data related to the practical side. It included (55) items, in addition to field visits that enhance the process of data collection, processing and analysis using a number of statistical tools such as (arithmetic mean, deviation Normative, coefficient of difference, relative importance, normal distribution test, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha test, correlation coefficient and multiple regression) through the use of statistical analysis programs (SPSS V.23), (AMOS V.23) to test the main and subsidiary hypotheses of the research. The field verification came in harmony with the objectives of the research, and supported the validity of the hypotheses and the validity of its hypothetical model, which proved the existence of relationships between the variables of the current research, and reached a set of results, the most important of which was (the presence of positive and significant impact relationships for the variable of social marketing strategy with its dimensions in retaining customers with its dimensions in the researched company .)In the light of the conclusions reached by the research, a number of recommendations were presented, the most important of which is (the need to increase the investment of the positive impact of the social marketing strategy in retaining customers and employing it in order to change the behavior and habits of society and paying attention to the social environment in a way that contributes to enhancing its performance by providing the appropriate environment) .

Keyword : social marketing strategy, customer retention,

How to Cite
Mahal, M. A. & Mohammed, P. .. D. K. N. (2023). The Social Marketing and its Role in customer Retention. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 21(1), 23-33.

Published in Issue
Jan 22, 2023
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