
A Bibliometric and Visualization Review of Research on Carbon Information Disclosure Using CiteSpace



Carbon information disclosure, as a forward-looking environmental information disclosure, is an important tool to assist carbon accounting and enhance carbon emission reduction management. It plays an important role in improving environmental issues, reducing carbon emissions and achieving low-carbon development. In recent years, as carbon information disclosure has received widespread attention from scholars, the number of studies on carbon information disclosure has increased significantly. In order to provide a systematic review of carbon information disclosure research, we conducted a CiteSpace-based bibliometric and visualization study of the existing research results. We searched the Web of Science (WOS) database for all papers on carbon information disclosure using relevant keywords. Then, we manually screened the papers and obtained 502 valid articles and 2894 references. We studied the major nations, research institutions, journals, authors, and keywords of carbon disclosure research using CiteSpace software and bibliometric methodologies, and we visualized the analysis results of co-authorship, co-occurrence, co-citation, research hotspots and frontiers. The findings indicate that the United States has the most publications, followed by Australia, the United Kingdom and China. Recent years have seen an increase in publications, and several significant research institutions have been established, such as Western Sydney University, University of Newcastle, Macquarie University, Griffith University, etc. Tang Q, Luo L, Freedman M, Zorio-Grima A are among the leading contributors to carbon disclosure publications. “climate change”, “disclosure”, “performance” and “emission” are the most intense keywords, and "CSR disclosure", "perception" and "corporate social performance" represented the academic frontier. Ans Kolk, Clarkson Peter M., Luo Le, Deegan, Craig, and Patten, Dennis M. are the most cited scholars. Journal of Business Ethics is the journal that receives the most citations, followed by Journal of Cleaner Production and Business Strategy and the Environment. These findings not only give aspiring researchers a foundational understanding of carbon disclosure but also give academics a framework for qualitative and quantitative study, filling the gap between carbon disclosure research and bibliometric analysis.

Keyword : carbon information disclosure; CiteSpace; bibliometrics; co-authorship analysis, co-occurrence analysis, co-citation analysis,

How to Cite
Song1, W., 2, Ahmad1*, A., Sun2, Z. & Kassim1, A. A. B. M. (2023). A Bibliometric and Visualization Review of Research on Carbon Information Disclosure Using CiteSpace. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 21(1), 215-248.

Published in Issue
Jul 14, 2023
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