



Human Resource Management Various HRM programmes were organised for Transfer of Technology in view of sustainable development of sericulture. Regular training was imparted to the farmers/participants on different activities of sericulture, such as, sericulture cultivation, silkworm rearing technologies and disease & pest management etc., developed by the Institute. Under HRM programme, Human wants are unlimited and endless. With the growing complexity of life need for improved and sophisticated goods and services, has become an unavoidable requirement for mankind. Liberalization, privatization and globalization have integrated the world to become an open network for communication. Bilaspur district Seed Organisations shall ensure better, quality, monitoring and organized production. Multivoltine seed cocoon growers need to be supported through infrastructure, equipment and inputs to sustain and improve the cross breed seed production and cocoon productivity.

Keyword : sericulture cultivation. silkworm, goods, services, Performance Measurement, sericulture Organizations.,

How to Cite
Kumar1, D. R., Tamrakar2, D. R. & Banwar, M. P. (2024). PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN SERICULTURE INDUSTRY. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 20(1), 1-7.

Published in Issue
Apr 01, 2024
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