
The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Jordanian manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs)



dimensions (innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking) on the performance of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. Methodology: The data were collected using the stratified random sampling technique method. Respondents in Jordanian manufacturing SMEs in Abdullah II IBN Al-Hussein Industrial Estate were approached using an online questionnaire. Of these, 287 completed questionnaires were obtained for further analysis. Data was analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling. Descriptive tests, measurement, and structural models are among the analyses performed on the data. Findings: The results show that the two dimensons of entrepreneurial orientation, innovativeness and risk-taking, have positively influenced the performance of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. In addition, proactiveness does not impact the SME's performance. Moreover, the entrepreneurial orientation construct has been positively linked to the performance of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. Implications for theory and practice: The results of this study may facilitate manufacturing SMEs in Jordan to identify the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and its dimensions on SMEs' performance. Also, it may help to achieve the intentions of the government to create a greater Jordan in 2030 by spurring entrepreneurial orientations among the business players. Originality and value: This study deliberates the roles of entrepreneurial orientation, and its dimensions on SME performance, where this scope is relatively new in Jordan.

Keyword : Innovativeness, proactiveness, risk-taking, entrepreneurial orientation, small, medium enterprises, performance, Jordan,

How to Cite
Ahmed, R. B. & Zahari, A. R. (2024). The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Jordanian manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 22(1), 66-83.

Published in Issue
Jul 01, 2024
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