Purpose – This study aims to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial and sustainable orientations and their dimensions on the performance of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. The study is essential due to the lack of and inconsistent past findings on the study scope. Research methodology – The data was collected using the stratified random sampling technique method. The respondents in Jordanian manufacturing SMEs were approached using an online questionnaire, and this study obtained 287 completed questionnaires for further analysis. Data was analysed using measurement and structural models by means of Partial Least SquareStructural Equation Modelling. Findings – The results indicate that risk-taking, social sustainability, environmental sustainability, entrepreneurial orientation, and sustainable orientation have positively influenced the performance of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. In addition, two entrepreneurial orientation constructs, namely, innovativeness and proactiveness, clearly show an inability to link with SMEs' performance. Research limitations – Future studies should include non-manufacturing SMEs in Jordan and apply longitudinal and qualitative study approaches to measure the SME's performance comprehensively. Practical implications – The results of this study could help manufacturing SMEs in Jordan identify the impact of entrepreneurial and sustainable orientations on their SMEs' performance. Originality/Value – This study deliberates the roles of entrepreneurial and sustainable orientations on Jordanian manufacturing SME performance
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